Dear friends,
As you know, the Ship for
World Youth has brought together a very intelligent and exciting group
of young people; people of many different backgrounds and cultures. I strongly
feel that we should use this wonderful opportunity to discuss problems
that we all face together on the earth.
In this age, the world is
faced with a number of serious issues which threaten the future of this
planet for us and for our children. These problems include the daily ruin
of the environment, the continuous threat of nuclear weapons,serious poverty
all over the world - including in the richest of countries, violations
against womens rights and basic human rights, overpopulation, and terrorism
and corruption from which no country or region is safe. AIDS and drug epidemics
have also become critical world problems. All of these issues do or will
affect each one of us in some way.
I am not writing this letter
to depress anyone, nor to say that the world will end tomorrow. I am writing
to urge each one you (us) to talk to each other as much as we can while
we are together. We should talk about the problems which threaten our future.
I am certain that in this way we can all learn many different ideas which
will be helpful when we deal with these crises in the future. Thank you.
Brian Doerner